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Our first time at Disney World was fun – and I spent loads of time preparing (reading blogs and blogs about how to get the best rides, what time to log in blah blah blah) and getting the things we’d need to be comfortable at the park. Did we have everything we needed – absolutely not. Did we ride every ride – no. Was it worth it – absolutely.
What I purchased, recommend and wish I brought:
- Zoe Twin+ Double Stroller – easily the best purchase of all. Light weight, easily to maneuver in the park, and both kids were able to nap in it. My four year old was a bit tall, but he still slept after being exhausted from walking around. Pushing both kids in the stroller was also easy. It comes with SPF sunshade, which you need in the Florida sun.
- Rain Cover – I wish I purchased a rain cover for the stroller. It did rain a few days so we ended up buying one at the park and that was expensive. This is universal cover.
- Zoe Twin + Travel Bag – this kept it nice and safe on the plane. Thankfully there was no damage!
- Stroller Fans – man it was hot. These came in handy for both kids, we even used them once or twice. The fans provided plenty of air flow when the cover was shut. We recharged them over night and they lasted just until the sun went down.
- Mini Cooler with Ice Packs – we purchased snacks and what not at the grocery store so the small cooler came in handy. Disney World food is expensive. To avoid eating every meal at the park, this was a good alternative.
- Insulated Water Bottles – filled these half way with water, laid them on their side and froze them each night. There are loads of water bottle filling station around the park so this kept our water cold.
- Black Girl Sun Screen – while it is not only for people of color, it has great coverage and is easy to rub in. Like lotion. It is good for sensitive skin and doesn’t make you oily looking.
- Charging Bank – this came in handy. Everything is done on your phone from My Disney Experience app and your phone battery goes quick. Having a place to plug our phones in on the move was fantastic. The battery on the charging pack also lasted all day, so that was a plus!

Add diaper bag and change of clothes for each child, I’m glad we had the stroller to carry it all. Traveling across country with two littles, now that is an entirely different story and we brought everything except our kitchen.
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